Thursday Jan 23

Peck Gail Peck earned her M.F.A. from Warren Wilson College.  Her first chapbook won the North Carolina Harperprints Award, and her first full-length won the Texas Review Contest.  Foreshadow was a finalist in the Main Street Rag Poetry Contest, and they also published Thirst. From Terezin, another chapbook, was published by Pudding House.  Her most recent collection is “Counting the Lost” (MSR).  Poems and essays have appeared in The Southern Review, Nimrod, Greensboro Review, Louisville Review, Cimarron Review, Mississippi Review, Rattle, Kestrel, Brevity, Cave Wall, and elsewhere.  Her work has been widely anthologized, and she has been both a finalist and semi-finalist for Nimrod’s 2007 Pablo Neruda Prize for Poetry.  She has also been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.



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