Wednesday Feb 05

Eselun Michael Eselun serves as the chaplain for the Simms-Mann/UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology.  Michael, a certified inter-faith chaplain, is somewhat unusual in that he is neither an ordained minister, nor particularly religious in any conventional way. The seed was planted for his chaplaincy doing volunteer hospice work during the peak of the AIDS crisis. He has worked extensively in oncology, hospice, palliative care and with acute psychiatric patients. Michael is also a co-founder and chair of a non-profit, volunteer anti-homophobia speakers bureau called GLIDE, Gays and Lesbians Initiating Dialogue for Equality. Over the past 18 years, Michael and his fellow speakers have spoken to an audience of over 150,000 students, teachers, and other various groups and agencies in the LA area about homophobia. Michael has also led workshops on integrating spirituality into an LGBT identity. 


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