Thursday May 09

Ken Robidoux, Editor-in-Chief: May 2012

IMG_0043_copy_1 Welcome to the Issue XI, Volume III: May 2012 of Connotation Press: An Online Artifact.
We've made it through another semester of teaching, bedded down the new issue of Connotation Press, packed up our cameras & gear, and are heading out to So Cal for a few weeks of interviews (can't tell you who yet, but you're going to flip!), meetings, and V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!
Things have been busy around here this past month. We accepted applications for a new editor as we've decided to include a monthly column on trends in digital representations of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. There is a fertile, exciting, underground movement to make digital-lit videos much in the way there was to make music videos in the 80's. We're excited to be one of the few magazines that will have a column dedicated to this developing new trend. We received a tremendous response to our call for an editor, and interviews begin next week for the job. Thanks to everyone that applied.
As exciting as it is for us to be adding another column to the magazine, the big news is that Connotation Press has begun the process of adding a print division to our collection of publishing options. Wheels are in motion for our first collection, and we are also currently  developing a team to focus on creating outstanding single-author books for print, Kindle, and Nook, along with collaborative collections, multi-genre works, and a yearly 'Best Of' anthology for Connotation Press. Woohoo! We begin interviewing staff members for the new division, and for an assistant to work just with me in two weeks, and we're all very excited for the new direction and for the new people that will join our family.
We are still and will always be dedicated to online publishing as there has never been a more effective way to reach such a large audience on a day-to-day basis, but there is nothing stopping us from publishing print and e-books, either. Personally, I am extremely excited for all the new developments around here, and look forward with great anticipation to the future.
And now, since I've got a plane to catch, it's time to continue our tradition. So let's kick this pig and see what it'll do!

Hoppenthaler's Congeries ROCKS May with a typically stellar collection of authors. John starts out with a quick blog in which he recalls the Philip Levine visit last week to the college where he teaches. A charming, short moment of gratitude. From there he brings terrific new poems and an interview with Gary J. Whitehead. John rounds out the column with new work by Maura Stanton, the AMAZING Peter Everwine, Kelli Stevens Kane, John Yau, Kelle Groom, Brad Richard, Emily Rosko, Maureen Sherbondy, and Jessica Cory. Great work, John!
After a successful foray into internet TV with her show Spatula, Amanda McGuire returns this month with an all new, revamped From Plate to Palate! Amanda shows us how to create delicious, healthy treats for the dogs in our life and the new post features a short film, photos, and a puppy-tested recipe that we know will be a hit amongst our four-legged, devoted friends. Great to have you back, Amanda!
Nicholas Baker's Discovered column this month ventures to Andalusia, a nationality of Spain. OH, MERCY! Wait until you read this column and see the photographs from Nicholas. Stunning! Gorgeous! And the writing about Andalusia is pretty cool, too. HA! Many of you expressed to me your love for this column during the AWP conference in Chicago and I completely agree. Discovered is a fan-favorite for sure and one of my own personal favorites. And for those of you going on vacation this summer, we encourage you to put your trip down in writing and bring a camera. Nicholas will be sending out a very rare CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS to his column coming soon. Don't miss this opportunity to get your travelogue read by tens of thousands of people. Great job this month, Mr. Baker!

Our Drama editor Kathleen Dennehy brings us a hilarious, profane, send up by playwright Matthew Weiss. Matthew's play, "Claus" in which Santa is hunted by...I tell you what. Better you read it for yourself. But don't be surprised when this piece turns and takes you from laughter to glorious sentimentality. DO NOT MISS status for this one, friends. Thanks to Kathleen & Matthew!
Stephanie Brown, our Book Review editor, brings us a new review this month written by Lina ramona Vitkauskas of Lea Graham's new book, Hough & Helix & Where & here & You, You, You. And Movie Review editor Robin Russin brings us another guest writer in to his A Movie You Gotta See column: Brenda Varda, who looks at The Assassination of Jesse James by the  Coward Robert Ford. Two terrific reviews well worth your time and attention. And we'll have more reviews on the mid-month post, as well. Thanks Stephanie & Robin!
Finally, our features in Fiction & Creative Nonfiction for May are Todd Heldt for Fiction and recent graduate Danielle Armstrong for Creative Nonfiction. And this month we add in our featured Undergrad, Logan Venderlic, too! Since it's May all our Fiction posts not only have terrific writing but also come with A VIDEO of each artist reading their work. Sweet! And don't forget, our full Poetry, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Book & Movie Review, and undergrad column posts on the 15th of the month so don't forget to come back and see all the wonderful new work we'll have for you then.
Well, that's about it for now. My plane leaves soon and as usual I'm running late. I am really looking forward to having a new assistant to help me, especially at times like these when I'm traveling. Oh, yah! Enjoy the new issue of Connotation Press. It's all for you!

Connotation Press: Up, Up and Away!
This issue of Connotation Press: An Online Artifact is dedicated to Summer. It doesn't get any better than this. Ever.
