Wednesday Mar 12

KarenStefano-2015 August is the month of the retrospective at Connotation Press, a time to look back and acknowledge the exceptional work that has come our way in the last year from September 2014 through July 2015. It’s a vividly eclectic blend of stories and flash fiction, as well as an extraordinary demonstration of community, of all of us making our way through this beautiful, crazy, heart-wrenching writing life TOGETHER, united in support of one another through the good times and the bad.

It’s also a time for gratitude. As you know, I am new to Connotation Press, having only come on as Fiction Editor last November. I want to thank Editor-in-Chief Ken Robidoux for giving me this opportunity. I am honored to be a part of the incredible group of editors in this outstanding magazine, a magazine that is expanding and receiving the attention it so richly deserves. Ken is the heart of Connotation Press and no one gives more love to the contributors in every issue he publishes. Thank you, Ken, for your hard work and commitment to every editor, every contributor, every writer who reads and submits to this beautiful magazine. You walk the walk, and truly commit yourself to art for the sake of art. I love and admire you so much.

I am also grateful for all of the writers who send their work our way. Thank you for trusting Connotation Press with your work. Please keep sending us your stories! You make Connotation Press what it is: an innovative magazine with consistently stunning work. 

Here is the list of fiction writers singled out for the retrospective for 2014-2015 and the links to their stories. Congratulations to all!

November 2014

January 2015

March 2015

May 2015

July 2015


Karen Stefano is the author of the collection The Secret Games of Words, published in 2015 by 1GlimpsePress. Her stories have appeared in The South Carolina Review, Tampa Review, Santa Fe Literary Review, Epiphany, and elsewhere. She was nominated for the XXXVIII Pushcart Prize. To learn more about Karen and her work, please visit