Wednesday Mar 12

Galaicu-Paun-Poetry.jpb Emilian Galaicu-Păun, born 1964 in the Republic of Moldova, has authored nine books of poetry: Lumina proprie (One’s Own Light), 1986; Abece-Dor (Primer-Nostalgia),  1989; Levitații deasupra hăului (Levitation Above the Abyss), 1991; Cel bătut îl duce pe cel nebătut (The Beaten Leads the Unbeaten), 1994; Gesturi. Trilogia nimicului (Gestures. A Trilogy of Nothingness), 1996; Yin Time, 1999; Poezia de după poezie. Ultimul deceniu (Poetry after Poetry. The Last Decade), 1999; Gestuar (Gestuary), 2002; and Arme grăitoare (Canting Arms), 2009.  His poetry appears in New European Poets (Graywolf, 2008) and is forthcoming in Vanishing Point That Whistles, an anthology of forty contemporary Romanian poets translated by Adam J. Sorkin, to be published by Talisman House. 
Sorkin_mugshot Adam J. Sorkin has translated more than forty books of contemporary Romanian literature. His recent books include two collections from the University of Plymouth Press (U.K.), Ioan Es. Pop’s No Way Out of Hadesburg (2010) and Mircea Ivănescu’s lines poems poetry (2009), both translated with Lidia Vianu, and he is the main translator of Carmen Firan’s Rock and Dew (Sheep Meadow Press, 2010), in collaboration with Firan. Forthcoming are an anthology of contemporary Romanian poets of the 1990s an 2000s, Vanishing Point That Whistles (Talisman House) and A Path to the Sea by Liliana Ursu, translated by Ursu, Sorkin, and Tess Gallagher (Pleasure Boat Studios). He is Distinguished Professor of English, Penn State Brandywine.
Serea Claudia Serea, a Romanian-born poet who immigrated to the U.S. in 1995, has published translations of Romanian poets in magazines such as Exquisite Corpse, Ozone Park, International Poetry Review, Ezra, Zoland Poetry, and Oberon. Her own poems have appeared in the U.S. and Australia in numerous magazines, among them 5 a.m., Going Down Swinging, Ascent, Connotation Press, Cutthroat, Meridian, Mudfish, The Dirty Goat, Harpur Palate, The Fourth River, The Istanbul Review, Poets and Artists, Oberon, poetrybay, and poetryfish. Her collection, To Part Is to Die a Little, is forthcoming from Červená Barva Press. Serea is the main co-translator of Vanishing Point That Whistles.

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Adam J. Sorkin photograph by Nancy Sorkin