Tuesday May 14

Ward-PoetryChristian Ward is a 30 year old UK-based poet. He recently finished an MA in Creative Writing at Royal Holloway, University of London and his work has appeared in DiagramThe Kenyon Review and elsewhere. He hopes to release his first collection in the near future.

The Morning After
The coffee residue in your cup
might be a twin of the MRI scan

showing your brain wanting 
to decouple itself from the spinal

cord and float inside a box
no-one quite understood

but were determined nonetheless
to label 'Miscellaneous'.
The Terrace

The guest house window
gave me a glimpse 
of a hidden terrace

with its orange tree 
in one corner producing 
fruit to the music 
of a Chinese water clock.

Three cast iron chairs
with backs woven 
into copper coloured 
quavers sung a chorus.

I wanted to take this song 
and watch it make everything 
I had still with tranquillity.