Saturday Mar 29

KathyFish Kathy Fish’s stories have been published or are forthcoming in THE LINEUP: 25 PROVOCATIVE WOMEN WRITERS (Black Lawrence Press, 2015), Slice, Guernica, Indiana Review, Mississippi Review online, Denver Quarterly, New South, Quick Fiction, and various other journals and anthologies. She was the guest editor of Dzanc BooksBEST OF THE WEB 2010. She is the author of three collections of short fiction: a chapbook of flash fiction in the chapbook collective, A Peculiar Feeling of Restlessness (Rose Metal Press, 2008), Wild Life (Matter Press, 2011) and Together We Can Bury It, a second printing of which is available now from The Lit Pub. She has recently joined the faculty of the forthcoming Mile-High MFA at Regis University in Denver where she will be teaching flash fiction. Additionally, she serves as Consulting Editor for the Queens Ferry Press series, The Best Small Fictions.

Kathy Fish interview, with Meg Tuite


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