Tuesday Mar 25

FGE - Poetry October 2009

Curator’s Note

hoppenthaler.jpg Curator’s Note to Nickole Brown’s Guest-edited Feature

When I was first asked to lend a hand with Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, it was to be as an Advisory Editor. I had recently concluded an eleven year relationship with the print journal, Kestrel, and I had no great ambition to get back into the day to day business of editing any time soon. I remembered all that I disliked about editing. Then I had the idea to curate a feature that would be Guest-edited by folks who live the life of poetry, folks in the trenches. This shouldn’t be too much trouble, shouldn’t take too much time, I thought. For good measure, I decided to edit the premiere issue’s feature myself; it would serve as a template for Guest Editors who followed, and it would be fun.  It was. It was fun, and I remembered all that I enjoyed about editing. I asked Ken Robidoux about editing my own poetry feature, A Poetry Congeries, and this has come to pass. And, as curator of this Guest-edited feature, I welcome you. I hope you’ll agree that Nickole Brown, a talented writer and vibrant denizen of the literary world, has done an outstanding job. November’s Guest Editor is James Harms. As the Editor of A Poetry Congeries, I hope you’ll click on over right after your visit here is through. To quote Kurt Vonnegut, “And so it goes.” And it does.


Featured Guest Editor - Nickole Brown: October 2009

Nickole Brown is the author of Sister, a novel-in-poems published by Red Hen Press. She graduated from the M.F.A. Program at the Vermont College of Fine Arts and has received grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Kentucky Foundation for Women, and the Kentucky Arts Council. She also co-edited the anthology, Air Fare: Stories, Poems, & Essays on Flight, published in 2004. She has served as the National Publicity Consultant for the Palm Beach Poetry Festival, as well as the Program Coordinator for the VCFA writing residency in Slovenia.