Saturday Jul 27

Congeries - July 2011

Judy Jordan - Poetry

JordanJudy Judy Jordan’s first book of poetry, Carolina Ghost Woods, won the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Academy of American Poets Walt Whitman Award, the Thomas Wolfe Literary Award, the Oscar Arnold Young Book Prize of the Poetry Council of North Carolina, and the Utah Book of the Year Award for Poetry.  A book-length poem, 60 Cent Coffee and a Quarter to Dance, was released in 2005 by Louisiana State UP. 

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Carol Frost - Poetry

FrostCarol Carol Frost’s eleven collections include The Queen's Desertion, I Will Say Beauty, Love and Scorn: New and Selected Poems, and most recently Honeycomb,

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Nick Thran - Poetry

ThranNick Nick Thran is the author of two poetry collections: Every Inadequate Name (Insomniac Press, 2006) which was a finalist for The Gerald Lampert Award

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Judith Baumel - Poetry

BaumelJudith Judith Baumel is a poet, critic and translator. She is Professor of English and was Founding Director of the Creative Writing Program at Adelphi University.

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