Wednesday Jan 15

EthelMorganSmithEthel Morgan Smith is the author of From Whence Cometh My Help: The African American Community at Hollins College. Recently her essay "Love Means Nothing" was the winner of the Mid-Atlantic Arts Prize for Nonfiction. "Outside of Dreams" has just been published in Shaping Memories: Reflections of African American Women Writers. Her work has been published in: The New York Times; Callaloo; African American Review; That, and other national and international outlets.

Professor Smith has received the following awards: Fulbright; Rockefeller; DuPont, American Academy in Rome, Brandies University, Bread Loaf, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and others. Her novel in progress-The House of Flowers placed second for the West Virginia Writers Contest, and her play for the stage-African Violets placed third for the same contest.

Professor Smith is Associate Professor of English at WVU.




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