Wednesday Jan 15

RoxaneStafford Roxane Stafford, after years of obeying strict writing parameters imposed by courts,  turned toward creative fiction to keep her love for writing from evaporating.   As a trial lawyer for over 15 years, she saw recurring themes motivating the conduct that required her representation.  In order to present the best defense, she found myself trying to excuse really inexcusable behavior in her clients.  The result was a review of her own life that led to creative writing as a way of tackling her own limitations.  That journey began in 2000, and since then she has written many pieces and performed them at various readings.  Most of her writing is tied to childhood memories, her American Indian roots, and experiences as a divorced parent.  At present, she is a civil litigator in private practice, the mother of three children and involved with American Indian causes.

In order to preserve the artistic arrangement of the writing, this piece has been created with Print2Flash Flashpaper. Get Adobe Flash player