I write this today from Greeneville, Tennessee on the campus of Tusculum College where in an hour or so I’ll be speaking on a panel regarding publishing the written arts. I’ll be surrounded by talented faculty and friends. And I’m grateful.
I’m going to keep this short because more than usual I’m, well, just plain busy. And this leads me to another thing for which I’m grateful today. In a little over two weeks our former Poetry Editor and now Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief, Kaite Hillenbrand, and I will be married. A group of friends from all over the country are coming to join us deep in the hills of Appalachia for the event. And of course, as much fun as we’re expecting to have it’s also a hell of a lot of work. So much so, in fact, that while here in Tennessee I’ve been tasked with shopping for the wedding. That’s right. Someone decided to send me shopping. And who the hell thought that was a good idea?
While looking for gifts for the wedding party, a new hat for me to get married in, and some other wildly important things, I, instead, found a nice, quiet, antique store owned by a staunch Obama supporter who was acutely aware of how much he bucked the stereotype of a guy who lives in a state that just voted whether or not to raise the fake-ass “confederate flag” at the state capitol, had a two hour long wonderfully engaging conversation with him and his friend, and while there I bought an entirely cool, vintage, porcelain Coke sign and an ancient small wooden cask. See, shopping. Not my strong suit. Thankfully, no one really expects much of me. Ha!
Okay, enough of that. Let’s kick this pig and see what it’ll do!
Our first of the month post leads with a rather strong offering from our longest serving editor, John Hoppenthaler. John brings is wonderful new work in his Congeries column this issue from Tina Barr, Claire Wahmanholm, Michael Robins, Lauren Camp, Kelly Michels, Katherine E. Young, and John’s featured poet, compete with a terrific interview, the brilliant Mark Brazaitis. Good stuff, kids. Knocked me out.
It is with a heart heavy with love that I’m announcing Crazy Rabbit Review Editor Meg Tuite will be stepping down from the active editorial staff of Connotation Press this month. She leaves us with a fantastic interview, new work, and a video of the brilliant Margaret Malone reading the title piece from her new collection, People Like You. I have no idea what I’m going to do without Meg’s emails, texts, and phone calls, in short, without Meg, but we all here support her push to get this novel she’s working on finished, which is already edging on brilliant. Meg will always have my thanks and enduring love for all she’s given of herself to this magazine and the writing community, and I hope you join me in extending a grateful THANK YOU to the divine Ms. Tuite. Welcome Margaret & so long, Meg! So long but not goodbye! <3
Our intrepid Travel editor Nicolas Baker delivers a wonderful piece by guest author Jeremy Paden this month as Jeremy takes us to the stunning Torres del Paine, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in Patagonia! This is an informative travelogue written by the hand of a talented poet and we loved going along for the ride. Absolutely gorgeous pictures, too. Well done, Mr. Paden!
Our Book Review Editor Julia Bouwsma is back this month with a look at Jeannine Diddle Uzzi and Jeffrey Thomson’s new translation of the Poems of Catullus. She writes, “…the physicality of Catullus’ poetics shines repeatedly in Uzzi and Thomson’s translation—the poet’s conflated passion made palpable through sound and rhetoric.” Great stuff, kids. Do Not Miss status here.
Finally, our all-things-wine go to guy John Turi takes A Drinker with a Writing Problem to the future and his upcoming trip to Alsace, France by diving into a Paul Blanck 2013 Reisling, A Helfrich Noble 2012 Varieties, and a Domaine Ehrhart 2011 Reisling. I’m not sure what I am more jealous of, his upcoming trip to France or all the research he’s drinking in anticipation of the trip. Either way, we win out with a grip of new reviews!
That’s about it for now. We’ll be back on the 15th with new offerings in our Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction columns. We’re having a blast as our seventh year of publishing begins to pick up speed, and encourage you to submit today!

Connotation Press: Prenuptialed Like A Bitch
All best,
Ken Robidoux
Publisher/Founding Editor-in-Chief