We’ve got an outstanding issue for you this month, and instead of my usual bla, bla, bla, let’s just kick this pig and see what it’ll do!
A Poetry Congeries with John Hoppenthaler delivers seven outstanding poets for May, each unique and unquestionably talented. I am in love with what John did with the column this month. He launches with his preface, some reflection on the poetry life if you will, and then brings us a stunning series of poems and an interview, like a breath of fresh air, from the talented Peter Covino. John then brings us a mind-blowing collection of poems and art by John Robert Lee and Shallon Fadlien, and do not miss work by Duy Doan, Lisa Akus, Liz Robbins, Ciaran Berry, and Sally Ball. THIS is a lovely way to spend an afternoon or three.
Meg Tuite’s Crazy Rabbit Review column floored me this month with two actively engaged poems, and an interview, with the incendiarily talented Dominique Christina. Ms Christina is a national acclaimed Slam Poet, social agitator, intersectional feminist, and currently is an actor and contributing writer on the HBO series High Maintenance. If you’re unfamiliar with her work, in addition to the two new written poems, we’ve also linked in three of her YouTube videos. Once again, Meg just leaves me slack-jawed and tingling. Woohoo!
May brings us something new that I've been waiting a long time for, a MUSIC COLUMN! WOOHOO! While at this past AWP I once again gave an open offer to helm a music column to one of the most brilliant, stand-up guys it's been my privilege to meet while working for Connotation Press, Mr. Al Maginnes. Al got a hold of me a day or two later and said he'd love to give it a shot. I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER! This month, Al introduces his column, that we're calling My Lovely Obsession, says goodbye to Guy Clark, and hello to Malcolm Holcolme. DO NOT MISS status on this one, kids. And here's to a long and happy run for Al here at ConPress. Welcome, pal! Great to have you with us.
As Spring is in full-swing and May begins to blossom, our intrepid all-things-travel guy Nicholas Baker returns to Connotation Press with his latest travelogue in hand, this time after attending Julie & David’s wedding in The Dominican Republic. YES! OH, man! This place looks freakin’ gorgeous, and, as usual, Nick’s travel writing is like a warm embrace with a bite on the ear for good measure. Around here, we can’t get enough of these digital vacations and Mr. Baker’s personal slant on the world at large. Lovely to have him back!
This month Julie Bouwsma delivers a review of Rita Marie Martinez’s new collection, The Jane and Bertha in Me, by guest book reviewer Leslie Contreras Schwarts. Leslie gives stellar marks to this powerful collection, Ms Martinez’s most recent from Aldrich Press.
And to round out our first of the month post, John Turi focuses his discerning palate on the olive rather than the grape this time, as he takes his Drinker with a Writing Problem column to Frantoio Grove to review this award winning, taste of the sun olive oil. A nice departure from the norm on this one. Plus, I learned something!
Okay, that’s it for now. But please don’t forget to come back on the 15th of the month as we deliver our Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction columns for your enjoyment and, considering the times we’re living in, emotional support. See you then!
Connotation Press: Hey, Donald. Everyone Knew the Job was Hard but You, Dumbass.
All best,
Ken Robidoux
Publisher/Founding Editor-in-Chief