Even with the House, the Senate, and the Presidency the imbecilic majority fail to create a working health care plan that doesn’t get medieval on the population at large. Twice. These asshats failed twice with quite literally nothing standing in their way except a whole nation of people that are so entirely tired of their bullshit that they made it clear this was a line not to be crossed. TWICE. And here’s the really horrible part: the whole time, just like they have for more years than I can readily remember, these incredibly stupid, sociopathic, tools have managed to once again postpone doing anything constructive whatsoever with government. Anything at all. Amazing.
And so once again we art. Through it all we art. Now let’s kick this pig and see what it’ll do.
A Poetry Congeries with John Hoppenthaler shook my brain loose with dynamic new poetry by the genius of Norman Dubie, Erica Bernheim, Ernest Hilbert, Jennifer Jackson Berry, Dustin Pearson, Adam Vines, Mira Rosenthal, and John’s featured poet, Gary Jackson. I found the interview with Mr. Jackson especially compelling. John takes a moment in his preface this month to give a heads-up to everyone about some recent changes in his life, too. Onward and upward, buddy. We’ve got your back. Welcome to all the authors new to our pages, and great job as always, John!
All the good things, also known around here as Meg Tuite, delivers another knockout Crazy Rabbit Review this month, featuring a look at Julia Goldberg’s much needed in these insane times new book Inside Story: Everyone’s Guide to Reporting and Writing Creative Nonfiction. Meg conducts a fun and informative interview with the author who also graced us with a video reading of the second chapter in the book. Do Not Miss status on this one, kids. Welcome Julie and great job, Meg!
Our intrepid travelista, Nicholas Baker, retraces some of the steps he took as a child way back in 1965 as he returns to rediscover Panama. Rebounding as it reinvents itself, Panama opens up to Nick and his companions and we are especially grateful to share Mr. Baker’s impressions of the beauty and surprisingly modern changes happening in Panama. I LOVE THESE TRAVELOGUES.
A Drinker with a Writing Problem, our all-things-wine column by John Turi, takes a long look at one of the most perplexing tasks most of us deal with while fine dining: ordering the appropriate bottle of wine. John looks at ways for us to get the best bottle possible for the money spent, rather than to just leave ourselves at the mercy of the restaurateurs and sommeliers, who quite often have other motivations for being there than just fine dining. And while he’s at it, John reviews the 2008 Plumpjack Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, from Napa Valley, California. Enjoy!
Our book review Editor Julia Bouwsma turns over the reins of her column to our new music editor, Al Maginnes, for a review of I Offer This Container: New and Selected Poems by Jeffrey Skinner because that’s how we roll. HA! Seriously, Al gives great marks to this collection overall, and seems to delight in the unpredictability of the poet. And don’t worry, soon everyone will go back to their cubbies and do their own work. We promise. Heeheehee!
Well, that’s about it for now. As always, I welcome you to come back on the 15th of the month when our Poetry, Fiction, and Creative Nonfiction columns come screaming out the gate. Until then, don’t let the bastards get you down.
Connotation Press: Hey Donny. Fat, Drunk, And Stupid Is No Way To Go Through Life, Son.