October 2007
She could not stop weeping,
she thought, but she could
not weep: she
was an other—within,
she knew, but she seemed
without, like that woman
in white on the forest
path, the one
she’d imagined
instead of the man, the man
was merely a path
to the woman
who walked with certain
steps between the dark
trees, and though
that woman did not
weep, she who could
not weep suddenly
knew that this woman
who could not stop weeping
was, like the woman
in white, better
than she, stronger
than she, one
who could weep for not only
her own small loss
but also
the world, its dead
its dying its hungry
its cold, could weep
for her country, its killers
its killed its cold
cold heart that would
not could not weep because
like herself who could
not weep it thought
itself strong, the one
true path through the dark
the forest the cold.
Martha Collins photo by Doug Macomber