The Foolish Girls
Two very foolish and lazy girls seduced an old white star, and a young red star.
They went to live with their new lovers in the star world. ~Plains’ Indian legend
Sister claimed the young star—chokecherry red.
When a baby she swallowed a moth and since
wanted wings. I took the white who wheezed
when I rode him, coughed out stories from his chest—
unfathomable worlds strung like pretty beads.
All compelling yet confused. My blood’s a charm
consumed by salt and the sweetest fat.
Our hearts dished out their darkest jams.
Seasons passed. I wondered. What hungers
did we try to avoid from the lands below?
Here, Sister wears a rag, her beauty eclipsed
by her glittering lover. Here, the stars keep
white bones stashed in a pile. While the stars
sleep the bones rattle and teethe.