Dear Religion
Listen now to something human.
~Li-Young Lee
~Li-Young Lee
First is urge, then the urge to act
upon urge—the former absolute
impulse, so cellular, buried
so far within us that to grope for it
would require we delve
down beyond flesh, threaten
to breach that brisk unknown
for which our bodies serve as dams.
What if it is resonance and not sin
that is original? Each heart pulse,
each lung swell: urge, urge,
urge. Steady and metronomic—
desire’s tempo. Urge: the faint
tapping that knows the body
longs to slow drag, to prance,
The righteous choir
chides “all the earth’s surfaces
are not dance floors.” Fine,
but cannot we know restraint
without muting the bottom, corporeal
beat: urge, urge, urge. Our ears
must chew the cud of it—
mastication marking us
not cloven but blessedly human.