Tuesday Feb 18

BridNiMhorain Bríd Ní Mhóráin, who lives in West Kerry, is currently poet-in-residence in the Gaeltacht there. She has published four collections in Irish: Ceiliúradh Cré (1992), Fé Bhrat Bhríde (2002), Síolta an Iomais (2006) and Pietas (2010), as well as a bilingual book, An Cosán Bán/The White Path (2008). She edited new writing from Corca Dhuibhne in Idir Chruach is Chuan-Cúirt Phiarais (2007) and was Irish language editor of The Best of Irish Poetry/Scoth na hÉigse 2008.  She won prizes for poetry, in the Oireachtas Literary Competitions, 1988 and 1989, and for prose in 1992 with her M.Litt. thesis on the decline of the Irish language in South Kerry, published by An Sagart in 1997 as Thiar sa Mhainistir atá an Ghaolainn bhreá. Her poem “Juden-Saoradh Bergen-Belsen” won first prize for a poem in Irish at Dún Laoire/Rathdown International Poetry Competition, 2005, and she was awarded Arts Council bursaries in 2000, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011, and a bursary from Ealaín na Gaeltachta in 2005.

In order to preserve the artistic arrangement of the writing, this piece has been created with Print2Flash Flashpaper. Get Adobe Flash player