Wednesday Feb 19

Sweeney Jennifer K. Sweeney’s second poetry collection, How to Live on Bread and Music, received the James Laughlin Award from the Academy of America Poets and the 2009 Perugia Press Prize.  Her first book, Salt Memory, won the 2006 Main Street Rag Poetry Award.  Nominated six times for a Pushcart Prize, her poems have appeared in numerous journals, including Southern Review, Hunger Mountain, Crab Orchard, Spoon River and Passages North where she won the 2009 Elinor Benedict Poetry Prize.  After living in San Francisco for twelve years, she currently lives in Kalamazoo, Michigan, where she teaches poetry privately.


after the waiting years     leaden years

keening oceanside for an answer

from the original dark

you emerge distinct

one life perpetually not-there


then    suddenly at work with long division

sac of cells we

watched in the flux

via negativa

you eddy forth     little blue fish

little big heart

to be here with me now

means we made a study of

insistence     means

I will not forget the profound

absence from which

you began