Friday Mar 14

MegTuite September is the month of new beginnings. It transports us into cooler nights and sometimes cooler days, we hope. At Connotation Press this month, the pace is fast moving and never strays from cool! This is the month of fine, flash fiction! High-octane, poetic and transformative. It is arousing , inspired and sensational!
I am also excited to add a book review of the evocative short story collection, “Prize Winners,” by Ryan W. Bradley, as well!!! Enjoy this mysterious dive into the deeper waters of these exceptional stories!
Ryan W. Bradley gives us his provocative title story from his arousing short story collection, Prize Winners, in which the narrator plays with the moonlight and prize-winning lettuce to work some magic on her.
James Valvis is our mid-month featured writer with his two, sharp, memorable flash stories, Big Alabama and the Summer of Prank Calls and Big Alabama and the Vodka Bottle, that take us back to the wonder and awe of a notable character that becomes pivotal to the narrator’s coming-of-age.
Ross McMeekin brings us two distinct flash pieces, What To Do When Nothing Can Be Done and Something For Later, that build on dissimilar relationships, distant and yet, both in desperate need of drastic measures.
Anna March delivers two, scintillating, sizzling flash, The Crossroads and Summer Heats, both portrayals of couples living not only on the edge, but at the crossroads of life, as well.
David Tomaloff paints three moving poetic prose pieces, A Sea of Orange Colored Blue, Quitting is Risky Business and What’s Wrong With Jack? Unconnected pieces of loss and uncertainty that move like music, arousing and unrestrained.
Stephen Hastings-King gives us four micro-flash, The Troupe, Diorama, A Short Film About Baseball and Capsule, dream-like and illusory, yet candidly visual.
Salvatore Buttaci entertains us with two flash stories, Rash and Pedicure, one concerning pivotal panic and the other exposing true love through the toes.