Avital Gad-Cykman is our featured fiction writer for mid-November’s issue. She gives us an unsettling, powerful story, “The Fifty Percent.” It explores a couple coming to terms with their estrangement from each other through their assumptions and habits.
Juan J. Rodriguez delivers an exceptional twist of a story in the compelling and unusual, “Our Neighbor.”
Meg Sefton brings us an exciting wild “film noir” of a mystery ride in “Chinese Handcuffs.”
Keenan Norris transports us in his exquisite story “Slippers.” The life of a young girl unfurls as she learns through the lessons of the streets and her parents that it’s no easy thing to live your dream.
Linda Simoni-Wastila gives us two memorable stories, “Number 72” and “I Should Not Have Rushed You Through The Rain.” Both navigate the tenuous balance between intimacy and distance.
Dale Bridges captures a surprisingly personal and unforeseen day-in-the-life of two prominent historical figures in “Adolph and Eva.”