Thursday Mar 13

MegTuite November is always unpredictable. Will it be blasts of swirling snow and rainstorms? Maybe shorter days gasping to hang on to that last intensive light and warmth of autumn? Since we are in the midst of November and it all depends on where you are located on the map, I give you the wide range encompassed in our theme for this extraordinary month of fiction: The Unexpected.
Avital Gad-Cykman is our featured fiction writer for mid-November’s issue. She gives us an unsettling, powerful story, “The Fifty Percent.” It explores a couple coming to terms with their estrangement from each other through their assumptions and habits.
Juan J. Rodriguez delivers an exceptional twist of a story in the compelling and unusual, “Our Neighbor.”
Meg Sefton brings us an exciting wild “film noir” of a mystery ride in “Chinese Handcuffs.”
Keenan Norris transports us in his exquisite story “Slippers.” The life of a young girl unfurls as she learns through the lessons of the streets and her parents that it’s no easy thing to live your dream.
Linda Simoni-Wastila gives us two memorable stories, “Number 72” and “I Should Not Have Rushed You Through The Rain.” Both navigate the tenuous balance between intimacy and distance.
Dale Bridges captures a surprisingly personal and unforeseen day-in-the-life of two prominent historical figures in “Adolph and Eva.”