Bradley Warshauer is our featured fiction writer for the mid-December issue. He gives us a powerful coming-of-age short story, Refugee, which takes us on one man’s journey to find his place in the world.
Kristine Ong Muslim delivers five exquisite micro-fiction pieces, Man in a Black Suit, Time Transfixed, Townscape, The Apartment Building Before it was Torn Down and City of the Dead. All five of these sublime pieces are inspired by paintings and are part of her latest fiction collection, We Bury the Landscape, which will be available in 2012 through Queen Ferry’s Press.
MaryAnne Kolton packs a memorable punch with two very different, but distinct and extraordinary flash stories, Pay Back and We Sustain.
Scott A. Campbell brings us a provocative, yet humorous short story in Like Rabbits. You won’t look at those poor people dressed up as rabbits on Easter the same way ever again.
Gill Hoffs breaks us open with these potent and disturbingly vivid pieces, The Tupperware Baby and What To Do When You Wake Up Raped.
Jack Swenson delivers three compelling, inimitable flash pieces in The Bicycle, The Birds and Evil Humors.