Wednesday Feb 19

PruteanuAlex Alex M. Pruteanu emigrated to the United States from Romania in 1980. He has worked as a day laborer, a film projectionist, a music store clerk, a journalist/news writer for the U.S. Information Agency (Voice of America English Broadcasts), a TV Director for MSNBC and CNBC, and a freelance writer. Currently he is the Managing Editor of an education assessment software system at North Carolina State University. He is also a staff writer for The Lit Pub. Alex has published fiction in Peer-Amid, The Legendary, Girls With Insurance, Trick With a Knife,, Slingshot Litareview, Specter Literary Magazine, Thunderclap Press, and Pank Magazine. He is the author of novella  “Short Lean Cuts,” available as an e-book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and paperback at Amazon.


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