Friday Mar 14

MegTuite Ode to May, the month of hummingbirds, planting, flowers, showers and the flashers that come out with the rain. The raincoat has been multi-functional for decades, buttoned or unbuttoned. So here, at Connotation Press, I’m proud to present a month of exposing ourselves in a more visual way. I’m very excited to welcome you back to the second year of video month. All of our exceptional writers have unbuckled their rain gear and put themselves up and out on the screen for us voyeurs to enjoy. What an amazing cast!
Laura Bogart is our featured writer for this mid-May issue. Her story, “Hurricane Drunk,” is a knock-out! This is one exemplary tale that needs to be read again and again! WOW! And don’t forget to check out what she’s up to in our interview.
Julia Yeager-Archer gives us an unforgettable story and a wildass, extremely entertaining narrator one can’t help but fall in love with in her inimitable tale, “An Ordinary Broken Heart.”
Andrew Stancek delivers a captivating story, “After the Ball,” told through a boy’s worldview, trying to understand the distorted language of the adults around him.
Jordan Blum brings us three potent, heartbreaking flash pieces, “A Valediction,” “Commemoration” and “Seesaw.” Each piece is excellent in its exploration of grief in all its facets.
Kira Clark blasts us with her powerful work through the exquisite labyrinth of her language in three micro-fiction pieces, “When the Head Trembles,” “Grave” and “Outside of the Room.” LOVE!
Theodore Obourn captivates us with humor and pathos in his story “Mozart’s Funeral.” Another memorable story!
Enjoy the superlative video readings by these sublime writers and don’t forget to read their work that follows!