Wednesday Feb 05

MegTuite2012 Oh, yes! May is here: the month of video readings from exceptional fiction writers. We had Matt Hart as the featured writer on May 1st. I hope you got the chance to see him rocking his brilliance on video. That is truly an experience everyone should have. I was mesmerized when I saw him reading at AWP. What a treat.

For this mid-May issue we have an outstanding cast. Andrew Keating is our featured fiction writer for this issue and adds a hilarious touch to his video. Also, we have an interview with him talking about his stellar story collection, Participants, and about life and inspiration. He has two stories, “Three Berry Pie,” and “The Club,” that are poignant and unsettling. Look out! You never know what’s going to hit you.

Ray Shea knocked me out with his story, “As If Not Breathing Could Save Him.” WOW! Claustrophobic and trapped in this unforgettable story.

Steven Gowin delivers three diverse flash pieces, “French Piss,” “Maitre d’” and “Red Can’t Even Grab a Starbucks.” I would step over those puddles in Paris.

Lily Hoang blew me away with her mini-novel, “Webcam Sex.” I got to hear her read this at AWP. She has the webcam moving all over this wild ride of a micro-adventure.

Adam Moorad blasts us with four rapid-fire micro-flash pieces, “Albemarle,” “Exit Street,” “Three Ten Sevenths of a Second to Go,” and “Veni Vidi Dormivi.” Calamity runs rampant in these flash. Calamity even picks a dandelion.

I have alway loved to watch the writer read the work. Enjoy video month in the fiction column of the always luminous breakwaters of Connotation Press!