Wednesday Feb 05

RashGuzmanDena Dena Rash Guzman is a poet living on a sixty acre organic farm in the Mt. Hood Wilderness near Portland, Oregon. Founding editor of Unshod Quills and Managing Director for Hong Kong and Shanghai, China’s independent English language press, HAL Publishing , she also co-curates Portland’s female centered literary reading series, Unchaste Readers. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in several literary print and online journals internationally, including the Rumpus, Thrush, Smalldoggies, Gertrude Journal and Faster Times. Print anthologies include those in China by HAL Publishing, Viva Las Vegas Poets, The First Time I Heard David Bowie edited by Scott Heim, and The People’s Apocalypse, edited by Ariel Gore and Jenny Forrester. Her first collection of poetry, Life Cycle, is forthcoming from Dog On A Chain Press in May 2012. She has performed her works on international stages, including in the People’s Republic of China, where she has featured for audiences of hundreds. More here.

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