Thursday Mar 13

MegTuite2012 We’ve been hitting over 100 degrees in Santa Fe, which is creeping up the scale in temperature year by year. But that’s a part of the intensity of summer. It doesn’t stop the city from dancing to outdoor music on the plaza each night or getting out the barbeques, mixing up some margaritas, whipping up some guacamole. The sunsets have been blazing red and once the eye of the sun closes, the boil turns more to a simmer.

We have an exceptionally hot issue of stellar writers.

Scott Campbell is our featured fiction writer for the mid-July issue. He gives an exciting wild ride of a story that turned into an excerpt from his next novel, ‘The Thing About Alice.’ He is an incredibly prolific writer. Read more about his process and his life in our interview.

Sheldon Lee Compton works his linguistic magic in three stellar flash pieces, ‘Fierce,’ ‘Catch and Release,’ and ‘Nonepitaph.’

h.l. nelson delivers three heartbreaking stories, ‘These Things She Carries,’ ‘Grandma Hates to See Me Cry,’ and ‘We Were Always Dividing.’

Molly Bridgeforth mesmerizes with her story, ‘Magazine Baby.’

Eleanor Levine blasts out two very different stories, ‘Banishment’ and ‘Skull Session,’ yet both quite powerful.

Leonard Kress gives us three unforgettable stories, ‘The Conflict of the Faculties,’ ‘The Yellow-Haired Woman Walks By,’ and ‘Fire, Fire.’ HOT!
