Thursday Mar 13

MegTuite2012 August is the month of the retrospective at Connotation Press. A month to look back and acknowledge all the exceptional work that has come our way in the last year from September 2012 up through July 2013. I am always blown away by the stellar work that has been published. It’s an extraordinary blend of stories, novel excerpts and flash fiction, not to mention all the brilliant poetry, non-fiction and other exemplary columns every issue.

Ken Robidoux makes everything and anything possible with Connotation Press and I am honored to be a part of the incredible group of editors in this outstanding bi-monthly magazine. A press whose wings are ever expanding and continuously taking flight. Ken is always cooking up something new with all of his projects on the horizon.

I so appreciate all of the writers who send their work our way. I want to include everyone we have published in this list, but we are only allotted so much space. So, I want to say to all of you: Congratulations! Thank you again for trusting CP with your work. Please keep sending us your stories! You make Connotation Press what it is–an exciting magazine with innovative and superlative work.

Here is the list of fiction writers for 2012-2013 and the links to their stories that have been singled out for the retrospective. Again, congratulations to all!

Scott Campbell - featured writer: July 15, 2013, “The Thing About Alice”

Sheldon Lee Compton – July 15, 2013, “Fierce,” “Catch and Release,” “Nonepitaph”

Ana Consuelo Matiella - featured writer: July 1, 2013, “La Madrina: The Godmother”

Jen Michalski - featured writer: June 15, 2013, “1945”

Doug Bootes - June 15, 2013, “Sketchy,” “Goodbye, Sasha,” “The Reincarnation of Wallace”

Andrew Keating - featured writer: May 15, 2013, “Three Berry Pie,” “The Club”

Steven Gowin - May 15, 2013, “French Piss,” “Maitre d’,” “Red Can’t Even Grab a Starbucks”

Matt Hart – featured writer: May 1, 2013, “Looking For Blackbirds (Take Thirteen)”


Ken McPherson – April 15, 2013, “Give and Take,” “Naughty and Nice”

Howie Good – featured writer: April 1, 2013, “What’s There to Say,” “The Bread of Affliction,” “Another Word For Mercy,” “A Footnote on Christopher Marlowe,” “A Footnote on Samuel Beckett”

Tiff Holland – featured writer: March 15, 2013, “Day Bed,” “Stealth”

Michael C. Keith – March 15, 2013, “Streams of Consciousness”

Jessica Keener – March 15, 2013, “Heart”

Andrei Guruianu – featured writer: March 1, 2013, “Beginnings”

Jan LaPerle – featured writer: Feb. 15, 2013, “Pickle,” “Harvest,” “The Landlord”

Patrick Vincent Welsh – featured writer: Feb. 1, 2013, “Canary in the Coalmine,” “Chipmunk,” “Gost,” “Sippy Cup,” “The Zoo”

Heather Fowler – featured writer: Jan. 15, 2013, “Room Full of Scars”

Eric Barr – Jan. 15, 2013, “Stranger in the Stall”

Kathy Fish – featured writer: Jan. 1, 2013, “Neil Figgens,” “A Pirate or a Cowboy”

Luke Rolfes – featured writer: Dec. 15, 2012, “Midwest America,” “Bunny Man Bridge,” “Come Together”

Nancy Stohlman – Dec. 15, 2012, “What Happened in the Library,” “My House is in the Contemporary Art Museum”

Kyle Hemmings – featured writer: Dec. 1, 2012, “Scranton, Ohio,” “Her Love is a Space Shuttle That Never Lands On the Right Moon,” “Promises,” “There was a Chill and We Wore Mittens”

Angela Woodward – featured writer: Nov. 15, 2012, “Parallel Stories, by Peter Nadas,” “Liner Notes to Charles Ives ‘Psalm 90’,” “Several Ideas For Stories That are Not Stories”

Ethel Rohan – Nov. 15, 2013, “Skirt,” “Heart,” “Dying Juices”

Gloria Garfunkel – featured writer: Nov. 1, 2012, “Birds of Prayer 1. Snowflakes like Stars of David,” “2. The Chicken Killer From Brooklyn and His Satchel of Death,” “3. The Snow Queen”

Janee Baugher – featured writer: Oct. 15, 2012, “Driving, Mid Break-Up,” “Letter Abroad,” “Waiting Room”

Jack Hill – Oct. 15, 2012, “Diabetes People,” “God Without Thinking,” “Tally Marks”

Jacqueline Vogtman – featured writer: Oct. 1, 2012, “Saint Carmelita of Camden,” “The Legend of Nurse Polly,” “Winifred the Prophetic”

James Claffey – featured writer: Sept. 15, 2012, “Small Bites,” “Mangled Fingers & Country Music,” “Vigil”

Scott Wrobel – featured writer: Sept. 1, 2012, “Engravings”