Wednesday Mar 12

DesPresRapoportFaye Faye Rapoport DesPres earned her M.F.A. from the Solstice Creative Writing Program at Pine Manor College. Her creative nonfiction, fiction, poetry, interviews, and reviews have appeared in a number of literary journals and magazines, including Ascent, Connotation Press: An Online Artifact, Eleven Eleven, Hamilton Stone Review, Platte Valley Review, Prime Number Magazine, Superstition Review, In the Arts, Fourth Genre, and the Writer’s Chronicle. Her debut book, MESSAGE FROM A BLUE JAY (Buddhapuss Ink, May 14, 2014) examines a modern life marked by a passion for the natural world, unexpected love, shocking loss, and the author's search--from an encounter with an astonishing Blue Jay to the Tower of London and the streets of Jerusalem--for a place to call home. Faye's website can be found here.


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