"January 24th" by Anne Sexton
Originality is important.
I am alone here in my own mind.
There is no map
and there is no road.
It is one of a kind
just as yours is.
It's in a vapor. It's in a flap.
It makes jelly. It chews toads.
It's a dummy. It's a whiz.
Sometimes I have to hunt her down.
Sometimes I have to track her.
Sometimes I hold her still and use a nutcracker.
Such conceit! Such maggoty thoughts,
such an enormous con
just cracks me up.
My brown study will do me in
gushing out of me cold or hot.
Yet I'd risk my life
on that dilly dally buttercup
called dreams. She of the origin,
she of the primal crack, she of the boiling
beginning, she of the riddle, she keeps me here,
toiling and toiling.
January is filled with dreams, hopes and resolutions, which translates to all the crap we didn’t do last year. Or maybe you did.
This mid-January issue is filled with that ‘primal crack’ of exceptional writing.
Jen Knox is our featured fiction writer. I have been a fan for as long as I’ve been reading her work. Her story, “The Shape of a Star,” unfurls with grace and heartache as these characters come alive. And what an added gift to find out more about Jen in our interview and what project’s she’s working on now.
Ryan Werner is a phenomenon. “Banzai Skydiving,” is riveting and unforgettable. I love these characters!
Mindela Ruby delivers a beauty in “Krassavitsa, a Beauty.”
Rupprecht Mayer gives us three mesmerizing micro-flash pieces, “In the Attic,” “The Proof of God,” and “Mother.”
Wendy Thornton draws us in with her three flash stories, “Managing Your ADHD,” “Secrets Like a Flock of Geese,” and “The Wind on the Horizon.”
Elizabeth Cook blasts in with her poetic prose piece, “SHE.”
Hope you stay warm and get some time to lay back and let these stories burrow under your skin. Happy 2014!