Thursday Mar 13

Meg2014-5 Oh yes, we have hit that day that every nursery tells us to mark our calendars, plant in the desert without worry of frost. Still, the mountains hold a touch of winter in their white toupees. “And a Pooh is simply pooing like a bird.”


And of course, didn’t it rain...

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I have two featured fiction writers for this mid-May issue:

Brian Alan Ellis blasts us with three flash stories, “13 Down, 18 Across,” “Jen, Anita, Gretchen, Amy, Sasha, Sammy (or Linda), and Love," and "About the Sun," and an exceptional interview that takes us all over that pain of love in retrospect. 

Gary Percesepe gives us three flash stories, “Comings and Goings,” “Solstice,” and “Dialectics,” in that unanswered dilemma of the writer, wanting to have people around, and yet not, and also, an indepth interview with Gary.

Enjoy the read and enjoy the beginning of spring! Happy May! <3