Tuesday Feb 11

KarenStefano 2015 How she might have done things differently. But didn’t.
How it is too late to change things now. How it isn’t.

Larry Levis, Elegy with a Darkening Trapeze Inside It

Welcome Connotation Press readers!

Autumn begins soon and it has always been my favorite season. It’s a season of change, a season of new beginnings. What are your new beginnings? It’s never too late to change. And that is a beautiful thing.

This month we have another incredible lineup for you. Our featured writers are Rebecca Gonzales and Ron Gutierrez (do NOT miss their interviews –each of these writers gives you something to think about) followed by exceptional work from Brian Alan Ellis, Paul Beckman, and Elliot Aguilar. We are so proud to publish work from each of these writers.

Enjoy their words, and Happy Fall!