Wednesday Mar 12

KarenStefano 2015 Welcome to the November issue of Connotation Press, featuring work from Gessy Alvarez, Kona Morris, Deirdre Fagan, Gay Degani and Teri Lee Kline!

As some of you already know, this is my last issue as Fiction Editor for Connotation Press. Serving in this post for the past two years has been a joy, and so many Connotation Press contributors have filled me with inspiration. I am tremendously grateful to all of you for giving me the opportunity to read your words and I am especially thankful to Editor-in-Chief Ken Robidoux for giving me this opportunity.

You will still see me at readings, at AWP, on social media. In January I will start up my monthly webcasts again, chatting with various authors about craft, about what keeps us writing. Most of my time, however, will be spent sitting quietly at my desk wrestling with my own words, seeking to set them out just right, to share with the world one of my own stories. Stay tuned.

Speaking of sharing --below I invite you to a portion of my nightstand. Not the stack of books we writers tend to post on social media from time to time (though I have that stack too –just outside the shot). I’m sharing the spirit cards I keep beside me, something to meditate on as I go to bed, intentions to greet me when I first wake up in the morning. Creativity, Peace, Power, Strength, Joy, Faith, Beauty, Clarity, Healing. These are what I claim for myself. These are what I claim for each of you, dear Connotation Press readers. 
