Wednesday Mar 12

Cudmore-Fiction Libby Cudmore’s stories and essays have appeared in recent issues of The Yalobusha Review, The Chaffey Review, The Southern Women’s Review , Sunsets and Silencers, Red Fez, Inertia, Battered Suitcase, Shaking Like a Mountain, Xenith, the Macguffin and the anthology Relationships and Other Stuff. She is a regular contributor to Celebrities in Disgrace, Hardboiled, a Twist of Noir and Thrillers, Killers ‘n’ Chillers, where her story “Unplanned” won a Bullet award in 2009 and was nominated for the 2010 Derringer award in flash fiction.  Her work will also be featured in upcoming issues of the Chick-Lit Review, Thrilling Detective, Crime Factory, as well as the anthologies Past Loves and Quantum Genre on the Planet of the Arts (with Matthew Quinn Martin).

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