Wednesday Mar 12

Loesburg-Fiction Jesse Loesberg earned his bachelor of arts in philosophy at Bates College in 1993 and his master of fine arts in writing at Goddard College in 1999. Jesse's poems have appeared in The Café Review, The Santa Barbara Review, The Clockhouse Review and on the web site of Poets Against War. His articles and essays have been published in The Casco Bay Weekly, Maine in Print and in the San Francisco Chronicle. He is a regular contributor to the Perspectives series on KQED-FM in San Francisco, and his short fiction has appeared in Whistling Shade. His first novel, The Accumulator, is looking for a home.

Jesse Loesberg interview with Meg Tuite
Anything you want to share with our readers about the inspiration for this story?
I'm going to skip this one, if that's okay with you. I don't really have a good, coherent answer for it.
Do you have a specific writing schedule that you adhere to and/or any tricks that help you, that might useful to our readers?

I used to have a really steady writing schedule: two hours a day, five days a week, with weekends off. I have two-year old twins now, so I write whenever I can fit it in. For this reason, the best tip I have for other writers is to ignore anyone who says you need to write every day. It's great if you can, but that's too high a bar to clear for most of us, and if you think that writing every day is the only way to get any "real" writing done, you'll never do it.
What are you reading at this time?
I just finished rereading The Pit by Frank Norris, and am just starting the 2010 edition of The Best American Short Stories.
Name the top two or three most influential writers in your reading life and maybe a note on why.

Here's the short list: Tobias Wolff, for helping me to remember that complicated emotions are best embodied in simple, straightforward language; George Eliot, whose plots arise entirely from her characters' needs and desires; and Haruki Murakami, who always reminds me that a story's relationship to reality is optional.
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