Isabella Hecht interview with Meg Tuite
Anything you want to share with our readers about the inspiration for this story?
I take public transportation a lot, because I don't have a car. It's fun to talk with people you share a bus seat or train car with, because you are unlikely ever to see them again. You can tell them absolutely anything you want!
Do you have a specific writing schedule that you adhere to and/or any tricks that help you, that might useful to our readers?
I don't really have a strict writing schedule, or even a schedule at all. My "process" for writing consists of having an idea, and then daydreaming about it for days until I know the characters and the plot so well that sentences for the story start forming in my head.
What are you reading at this time?
I just finished reading "The Mists of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradley, a wonderfully detailed and thoroughly engrossing 900- page retelling of the Arthurian legend from the point of view of the women behind the scene.
Name the top two or three most influential writers in your reading life and maybe a note on why.
I love magical realism, and the books that allow me to see just a hint of the fantastic in the ordinary world around me. Two authors that I admire very much are Alastair MacLeod, who uses such economy of phrase, and yet whose words are so powerful, and Israeli writer Meir Shalev, whose writing is so lovely that I only wish I could read it in its original Hebrew.