Foster Trecost interview with Meg Tuite
Anything you would like to share with our readers about the inspiration for this story/these stories?
Most always, parts are fiction and parts aren’t. My inspiration often comes from real life, and then I try to change the past, make things happen in a different way; sometimes better, sometimes worse, but always different - it doesn’t take long for the fiction to take over.
Do you have a writing schedule you adhere to and/or any tricks you might want to share with your readers?
If I want to write, I have to give up something – usually sleep. Other than that, I don’t have much of a schedule, no tricks…nothing. I only write when I feel like writing, and I don’t feel guilty about stepping away for a while.
What book are you reading at this time?
Sometimes I discover someone I like and then make my way through everything they wrote. That’s what I’ve recently done and the author is Alain Robbe-Grillet. Currently, I’m reading Djinn.
Name the top two or three most influential writers of your writing career and maybe a line or two telling us why.
I was living in Italy and discovered an Italian writer named Elio Vittorini, which lead to the discovery of another Italian writer, Giovanni Verga – both from Sicily. Then I found Ivan Turgenev. These three, especially Vittorini and Turgenev, have influenced me the most. It’s not that I want to write like them. I don’t. I want to write like me. But I’m really glad they wrote the way they did.