Friday Mar 14

GraceCavalieri Grace Cavalieri's most recent book of poems is Sounds Like Something I Would Say (2010). Her 22nd play, Lena's Quilt, premiered Feb and March in NYC museums and libraries. She founded and still produces public radio's The Poet and the Poem, now in its 33rd year, now from the Library of Congress. She recently produced The Poet's Cookbook (2009). She is book review editor for The Montserrat Review and a poetry columnist for MiPOradio. Her play in development, on Anna Nicole Smith, is Blonde Ambition.


Mozart in the Morning
              for Lucille Clifton, 1936-2010


The moon reappeared last night as though
 nothing had happened
and in the morning I played Mozart because she loved
fancy music as well as jazz.
When we are tired of forgiving, we can think about
the vivacious differences
she showed us – that from the heart of darkness
someone is always named Light.
Today let's eat hotdogs and drink coffee in her name
so under each obliging moon
a simplicity of language, the grandeur of messages
like Mozart will go on.