Tuesday Feb 11

MorganElizabethSydel Elizabeth Seydel Morgan is the author of four books of poetry—Parties (1988), The Governor of Desire (1993), On Long Mountain: Poems (1998), and Without a Philosophy (2007) —all with Louisiana State University Press. Two of her short stories have been anthologized in New Stories from the South. Morgan's screenplay, Queen Esther, won the Governor's Screenwriting Prize from the Virginia Film Office in 1993. She also wrote a translation of Euripides's Electra for the Penn Greek Drama Series (1997).  Her poems have appeared in many journals, including Poetry, Shenandoah, Southern Review, and Five Points, as well as online at Blackbird and Cortland Review.  She is a winner of the Carole Weinstein Poetry Prize and the Philabaum Award from LSU Press.
August Evening

Silence rises
from the lower meadow

the bowed wet grasses
struck dumb by storm

but it can't hush
the monotonous drop

of the dripping gutter
on the metal shovel

silence tries

in this interval
to insinuate itself

like steam on this wet deck
before cicadas come

then slip up through the crowd
of noisy trees—crickets, owls— 

to fall, in the small dark hours.

February Burglary

Winter's erasure outside

stem and leaf and petal missing

Inside the old house
spaces are full of space

colder than the weather

The Sheriff takes pictures of absence
says it's going on
up here,  furniture

The old log walls
are accustomed to change

strangers, centuries

The windows watch
for different arrangements

inside and out