Wednesday Feb 19

SlotAndreaWitzke Andrea Witzke Slot (also published as Andrea Witzke Leavey) is currently teaching at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Chiron Review, Sea Stories, Houston Literary Review, Southern Women’s Review, The Pacific ReviewBorderlands: Texas Poetry ReviewIllyria, Fjala, and PENA International.  In 2006, a series of her poems appeared in translation in the anthology Contemporary American Poetry/Poezia bashkekohore amerikane, the first anthology of American poets published in Albania, and her scholarly paper on dialogism as “ideological weaponry” in Julia Alvarez’s “The Other Side/El Otro Lado” has been accepted for inclusion in a book-length collection of critical essays on Julia Alvarez.  She won UTD’s Excellence in the Arts Award for poems published in Illyria and PENA International in 2004 and was a finalist in the Sean Christopher Britton Memorial Poetry Prize in 2002.


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