womb flutter at ten weeks.
a waterwheel in utero
spinning first human words--
mama I am here
but no alphabet about it.
this talk all kick.
(Yes) I Do
As sure as my head fights the pillow
which cushions the cranium
crammed with yellow jackets
stinging the studious,
As sure as rainclouds fight the sky
which carries the cumulus
packed with wasps
stinging the stargazers,
As sure as feet fight the floor
which forgets the missteps
steeped in honey bees
stinging the stepped upon,
As sure as weeds fight the lawn
which loves dishevelment
bespeckled with hornets
stinging the wild orchard,
I fight, fight, fight, fight,
sting, sting, sting, sting,
but I cushion, carry, forget (not)
to love (yes) you.