By the Way, Hello
A day of waiting, and a room for it.
Ghosts on TV, and the urge to cry.
What should I do now, or next?
And why did I do what I did for so long?
A floral pattern catches my eye.
The ceiling curves like a sky, palest blue.
I’m loving you this very minute, OK?
Nothing is preventing anything.
A Question and Its Answer
A girl and a castle meet; this is not yet a problem.
Then a beautiful lake intervenes.
This is our story, already in progress.
Isn’t it obvious I’m most myself when you’re in me?
There, I said it.
Maybe the forsythia, just out, deserves partial credit.
An epiphany if ever there was one.
Now, I could look at you a long time.
Two Things at Once
A late fawn and the lake as warm as I’ve ever known.
Everyone agrees well in advance: it’ll be a hard winter.
But that’s the future. My window is six panes for the present.
And haven’t I said I prefer a grid? Yes, but—
Better yet, a body of water, something to set west.
Then, something to touch, furred or sueded, a color like that.
My sweeter self speaks up now; no more fussing at your collar.
Asked to hold an intention, I held radiant beauty.
No one inquired later whether or not it had come true.
Photo credit: Laura Haley