Saturday Mar 29

Cartarescuphoto Mircea Cărtărescu is Romania’s most celebrated writer from the highly accomplished group of self-consciously postmodernist writers who began to publish in the 1980s—the “blue-jeans generation.” Among his poetry books are Love Poems (1982); Everything (1984); Nothing (2010); The Levant (1990); Fifty Sonnets (2003); and the collected two-volume Pluriverse (2003). Bebop Baby, in Adam J. Sorkin’s versions with others, came out in the Poetry New York chapbook series in 1998. New Directions published Cărtărescu’s novel Nostalgia (translated by Julian Semilian), in 2005, and University of Plymouth Press, his book of stories and essays, Why We Love Women (translated by Alistair Ian Blyth), in 2011. His trilogy Blinding (Orbitor), translated by Sean Cotter, is forthcoming from Archipelago Books.

SorkinAdam Adam J. Sorkin is a prize-winning translator of contemporary Romanian literature whose work has appeared in Connotation Press before. In 2011, he published Liliana Ursu’s A Path to the Sea, Ioan Flora’s Medea and Her War Machines, Ion Mureșan’s The Book of Winter and Other Poems, and The Vanishing Point That Whistles: An Anthology of Contemporary Romanian Poetry, all with co-translators. In 2012, two chapbooks appeared, Dan Sociu’s Mouths Dry with Hatred and Ioan Flora’s The Flying Head.

Cristina Hanganu-Bresch is an Assistant Professor in the Writing Programs at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia.

Radu Surdulescu is Professor of English and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Bucharest, teaching critical theory, anthropology and literature. He has also held visiting lectureships at Université Libre de Bruxelles and Duke University.


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