A story,
a story (a
rhapsode is
a drama,
a drama
(a sighing slips
from her),
a thief on
the job,
the rust-trunk
of memory (the
rhapsode says
to borrow or rob;
an urge to
divulge (a surge to
a lament,
a foment,
a soupçon and pinch-
bit (I
never...) of succulent
torment (I always,
I ever),
a fathomed
of first
person rations
(a grand
deemed prurient,
and pertinent,
and food for
the nation.
Whither the Lamplight,
huggermuggery fan-dance,
or so ask
the poets, and, homage aside, asks I.
Whither the blackcloth, the blindfold, blind eye,
whispered apocrypha, tumbrel-trod risk,
and whence the appeal of such minds areel,
such minds as ours, our internal curtsies
and barnstorms at half-light, our small, hearty
awes, our deadman’s hand tells. Whither the fell
of the rotted wheel-rut, the shanghaied, old
nebulae, dirty old snowballs, whence urge
of the skull-lip atremble, the largesse
from forfeit, dodgier moon, whence scald, scald
of words as they fall, their vein-purr, myrrh-stain:
Niagara, Niagara, O roar again!
from the Grandiloquent Dictionary
When junk gives a shudder, like a tractor
more quaint than intact, like lapsed reactors,
pipes worn and contorted, a Toyota
that’s done for, or outdated aorta.
Think of the yowl of three senile felines.
Think of a buzz-saw’s black, sauerkraut whine.
Imagine ten screeched, unleashed violins.
Imagine the dawn that follows the gin.
Saw me in half, suspend or submerge me,
light me on fire and swallow the key;
I’m your one sure ruse, no smoke, no mirrors,
no flinch of fear or visible wires.
Poor Dan is in a droop, muddled with dope
he’s dropped and skin-popped and snorted and smoked,
pie- and glass-eyed, coked up without question,
happy past any best-laid redemption.
Ever since fabled Madam I’m Adam,
our stunned cerebellums have stammered dumb,
our backbones and bowels, our ludicrous knees
flinched and quivered like a young Sweet Gum tree.
These ten animals I slam in a net:
a flat-foot, knock-kneed flock of fat egrets,
a damp lamb, dumb ram, a wing-withered drake,
a limp, listless slither of tongue-tied snakes.
When junk gives a shudder, like a tractor
more quaint than intact, like lapsed reactors,
pipes worn and contorted, a Toyota
that’s done for, or outdated aorta.
Think of the yowl of three senile felines.
Think of a buzz-saw’s black, sauerkraut whine.
Imagine ten screeched, unleashed violins.
Imagine the dawn that follows the gin.
Saw me in half, suspend or submerge me,
light me on fire and swallow the key;
I’m your one sure ruse, no smoke, no mirrors,
no flinch of fear or visible wires.
Poor Dan is in a droop, muddled with dope
he’s dropped and skin-popped and snorted and smoked,
pie- and glass-eyed, coked up without question,
happy past any best-laid redemption.
Ever since fabled Madam I’m Adam,
our stunned cerebellums have stammered dumb,
our backbones and bowels, our ludicrous knees
flinched and quivered like a young Sweet Gum tree.
These ten animals I slam in a net:
a flat-foot, knock-kneed flock of fat egrets,
a damp lamb, dumb ram, a wing-withered drake,
a limp, listless slither of tongue-tied snakes.
Is this cattle or yak? Or sly, hybrid
zooid that’s stacking the deck? Not the kid
of a goat, not a male lama glama,
not even its own cud-chomping mama.
Her canvas: American Vanitas,
morbid enough, and sufficiently crass
to repel a leper, shock all cynics,
appal psychotics, and charm the critics.
Too sad a soot he tracked along his road,
too flat and dragged his foot, too hammer-toed,
too bereft of sidecar or plush chauffeur
to be shod with a misnomered loafer.
photo credit: Sandra Beasley