Saturday Mar 29

StarzingerPage Page Hill Starzinger lives in New York City. Her first full-length poetry book, Vestigial (2013), was selected by Lynn Emanuel to win the Barrow Street Book Prize in 2013. Her chapbook, Unshelter, selected by Mary Jo Bang as winner of the Noemi contest, was published in 2009. Her poem, “Series #22 (white),” was chosen by Tomaz Salamun for a broadside created by The Center for Book Arts, NYC, in 2008. Her poems have appeared in Colorado Review, Fence, Pleiades, Volt, and many others. In 2013, Page was the Special Guest at the Frost Place Poetry Seminar. In 2014, she will be a Peter Taylor Fellow at the Kenyon Review Writers Workshops. You may purchase Vestigial here:



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