Friday Mar 28

Mong Lan Mộng-Lan, former Stegner Fellow at Stanford University and Fulbright Scholar, has published six books of poetry & artwork, two chapbooks, has won prizes such as the Juniper Prize, the Pushcart Prize, the Great Lakes Colleges Association's New Writers Awards, among others. Frequently anthologized, including in Best American Poetry Anthology, she has finished a novel, with an excerpt in the North American Review. A former college professor with an MFA in creative writing from the University of Arizona, she left her native Vietnam on the last day of the evacuation of Saigon. Also a musician and composer, she has released nine albums of jazz piano and tangos, which showcase her poetry. As a visual artist, her artwork has been exhibited in galleries and in museums such as the Dallas Museum of Art and in public exhibitions abroad. She has studied ballet, jazz and flamenco, and for twenty years has specialized in Argentine tango, which she also teaches. In performance, she combines all these disciplines. Visit her website here


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