Bangan Zoogipook / Silent Snowfall
Epiichi bangan zoogipook
While silently the snow falls
souls are washed new
arriving along the shore
endazhi maaminonendamang
where we pause to consider
ezhi-oshkibaakadawaabiyang waaseyaabang
the way each dawnlight opens our eyes again.
Ishkodensan / Matches
Indagindaas, agindaasoyaan
I am counting, counting
gii zegimiyan
the ways you scare me
with sharp iron words
aandeg dazhwaangenid
a crow spreading wings.
Diba’iganens, diba’igan
a minute, a mile
gaawiin ningii enendamsii
I didn’t think
to notice
ishkodensan gii dakonaman
the matches you were holding.
Giginjiba’in ginjidamaan
I flee you, pounding
negwaakwaajigan indeying
the tap back into my heart
giba’amaan bagonewin
plugging the hole
before my fear leaks.
Baashkide, baashkine
Explosion, expiration
mii bagosendamaan
and now I hope
wii ezhi-meshkwaadoyaan
for a way to trade
without regrets.
Zoongizaagidowin / Fierce Love
Aabitaa-dibiki-wewe animaanimizi
The midnight goose goes away in fear
aazhogebizod aanakwaa-gamig
flying across a sea of clouds
thinking in a goose language of
. . . baashkiziganan
. . . guns
. . . wishkobii-manoomin
. . . sweet wild rice
. . . gaye giimoodag
. . . and secrets
miidash biida’amaazo bizaanabiwan
then arrives singing into the silence
ezhi-zoongide’eyang ishkwaa zegiziyaang
of the strength that comes after being afraid
ezhi-zoongizaagidizoyang ishkwaa bangishimangid.
of the fierce love that comes after loss.