It’s always someone’s birthday:
a school of fish
rides the crest
of a wave like lizards
high on a kinetic
wall. Gust slices
through clouds like a candle.
Waist deep in water
we’ve given up
all meat for a year. Every so often
dolphins catch their prey
in midair.
Black vulture,
black vulture in the heart
of the city, two
on a front lawn
in my affluent
district, what are you
doing trying to cross
the street like a chicken
cautious of our engines
at a four-way stop,
black vulture,
black vulture,
are you husband and wife,
brother and sister,
how sable your feathers
and argent the leather
helmet you don,
what is it you see,
squirrel, bird egg,
or human garbage?
Black vulture,
were you not averse
to carnivore
and omnivore,
I’d say you’re waiting
for an old house dog
or an elderly woman,
but there are
no nursing homes
in your heart,
and you cannot sing,
you mobile
coffin, unmarked
necropolis, entropy’s
hearse, I leave you to it.
Joudah photo credit: Cybele Knowles