Saturday Mar 29

RobinRussin Looking back on this first half year as the film review editor for Connotation Press, what strikes me most is the excitement of having these reviews become part of the larger constellation of brilliant poetry, fiction, and informed articles of all kinds that have made CP such a uniquely comprehensive journal. My main goal has been to turn readers on to an experience they might otherwise have missed, whether classic, noir, light comedy, historical, foreign, urgently contemporary, whatever. These are films that qualify as art as well as popular entertainment, and that have added to the larger culture.

TheSecretInTheirEyes Take a look, for instance, at my review of "The Secret in Their Eyes," a fantastic Argentine film that you might have missed-- but will be happy you searched out. My second goal, moving forward, is to give more guest reviewers, especially students, a chance to bring their own favorites to light. For instance, I urge you to check out playwright Joe Powers' evocative essay on "The Last Picture Show."  So bring 'em on-- I welcome review suggestions from those who may want to contribute a review. Is there a movie that made you think, drove you crazy, broke your heart--and that no one else seems to have seen? This is the place to express your views and let people know about it.

last_picture_show_ver31 In a remarkably short time, Connotation Press has become major cultural presence on the web. To be able to champion films that I love in this vibrant and supportive venue--and to invite new voices into the mix--is really a gift, a remarkable opportunity to bring attention to films (and movies, for those who insist on the distinction) that might not have received due attention or recognition, or might have fallen out of popular awareness, and to enrich our readers' knowledge of the field. I hope to make the film review column an important part of its mission, and I am grateful to Ken, Kaite and all the rest here for the opportunity to have been and to continue to be a part of it.

                                                         --Robin Russin