Monday Mar 31

Nick If you find yourself in Buenos Aires and you fancy a change of scenery for a day, there is a magical town about an hour away by boat. Dock Colonia do Sacramento (or just Colonia to the locals) is in Uruguay, immediately across the Rio de la Plata. It is the oldest town in Uruguay, but by no means the most important. The capital city of Montevideo and the uber - stylish resort town of Ponte del Este grab all the attention and most of the tourists in this small country. But Colonia, a former Portuguese colony, is a world heritage site known for its unspoiled historic quarter and scenic beauty along the banks of the huge river.

Lighthouse Freddie and I, along with my brother and his family, booked the one hour boat trip with a company called "Buquebus" that makes the round trip across the river six times a day. The boats carry several hundred passengers and leave from the impressive new port area of Buenos Aires called Puerto Madera. The boats are showing their age, but they have big comfortable chairs, a well stocked bar and duty free shopping (as the river itself is a tax free zone). When we arrived at the port in Colonia, we weren't sure where the Old Town was, so we hired a fun little off - road vehicle with six seats and set off to find it.

Oldlocalboy We soon found the Porton de Campo, the ancient city gate that still serves as the main way into town. On the outer wall is an old ceramic tile map that provides simple directions. The centerpiece of town is picturesque lighthouse rising out of the ruins of an old abbey. I took the kids up to the top to get the lay of the land, and take some photos. We realized there was a large sandy beach in the distance, and the kids made me promise to take them over to it.

Colorbuilding We walked around the main square, the Plaza Mayor, and then strolled the little cobbled streets admiring the beautiful old buildings with their rustic stones and faded paint. I got the feeling that not much has changed in this town in the last three hundred years (it was founded in 1680). The old Wharf House is perched on a grassy dune above the river surrounded by Sabu trees, heavy with their gorgeous red flowers. I gave my Nikon a work out, as it is impossible to take a bad picture in Colonia. Everywhere you turn is oozing with color and old world charm. 

Our4X4 We had lunch at a little cafe in one of the squares and enjoyed the slow-motion comings and goings of the locals. Then we got back on our off-roader and cruised the irregular streets dotted with old jalopies and masses of bougainvilleas. We made our way out of town towards the large river beach we spied from the lighthouse. The rest of the afternoon was spent playing in the water with the kids, building sandcastles and perfect summer memories.

Kiraandseiboflower There's not much to Colonia, but when Buenos Aires gets too hot and frantic, the cool and calm of this beautiful little town can be just the right antidote. Jett And you can always brag to your friends that you went to a new country for lunch.






